Archives for October 2014

October 29, 2014 - No Comments!

Pieces of the Ae Puzzle

I've been watching these tutorials over and over again. I've been picking up on small pieces of information and trying to put this big picture of after effects together into a frame of mind I can understand. I had that moment today when the pieces of the puzzle come together and you can see some part of the picture and you understand a bit more than you did about 5 seconds prior... I think its called learning. And what I learned is that I can put masks in motion, and that masks can go over not only still images, solid colors and textures like in photoshop but motion videos like this one.

(well I can't find what i'm looking for on youtube but I'll Post here when I do, ok move along)

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This next video is a great, and probably the best, example of what I mean by putting masks in motion. Its Apple's iconic ad campaign for its Ipod product. The video shows the artistic progression of the commercials from 2004-2008 and its really cool to see how creative the videos get towards the end. The worst part of the video is when U2 - Vertigo plays twice. So I suggest skipping thru the video and you'll get my point about the artistic progression.

Now I don't know for sure if this video was made with After Effects but I can definitely visualize how it can be made in After Effects using the Rotoscoping Tool. I wouldn't mind doing some sort of project where I rip off this idea of moving people with solid colors and motion shapes in the background. Something to think about. For now I'm gonna look into this rotoscoping business and find more pieces to the puzzle.

October 23, 2014 - No Comments!

Feelin The Groove

As I dig deeper into after effects, I realize its like illustrator and photoshop combined with a timeline thrown in the mix.  Its such a powerful tool and i'm learning a whole lot. Here are a few loves, hates , and questions i've asked my self along this after effects trail.

- Color Palette - Is there a swatches panel? I find it really hard to Pick and save the colors I want to work with. Googling the answer didn't seem to help much - the forums say to use Adobe Kuler to save color palettes. I love Kuler so this seems like a viable solution.

- Is there a Direct Selection tool? I found it hard to adjust the objects the way I want to. Coming from an illustrator background, the selection tool is a lot different. I love that it's alot like illustrator. Here's what google says:

- Click away making sure that no layers are selected (this step is not necessary but it gets you at a blank starting point)
- Click the layer that has the mask you want to adjust (the mask should become visible and highlight)
- Grab one of the points directly, Trying to select multiple points at this time will just move the layer.
After you have selected a point you will notice the box (don't know the technical name) disappears from the layer and all the other points on the mask become hollow
- Now you mask is selected and you can drag a box to select multiple points, or just work on the one you originally selected.
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thanks googs.

I'm finding that After effects is like Illustrator with different tools and with keyframes. Keyframes are like timezones for your illustration. You start in one timezone and then create the next frame in another timezone and after effects will fill in the in between zones with the difference.

This is what I've got show for all my struggles: